Dnia 2011-07-30, o godz. 23:01:01
Mojca Miklavec
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 22:27, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 27.07.2011 um 16:03 schrieb Marcin Borkowski:
As in the topic.
For example, \setupbodyfont[antykwa-poltawskiego] works without \usetypescript, but \setupbodyfont[antykwa] not. Why is that so?
You can omit \setupbodyfont when the typescript and the typeface have the same name which is the case for “Antykwa Poltawskiego” but for “Antykwa Torunska” both names are different.
Isn't Antyqwa Torunska just about the only font with that propertly?
Hans - would it be possible to make a synonym, so that \setupbodyfont[antyqwa-torunska] would work out of the box, like it does for all other fonts?
I'm all for it!!! Just one minor thing: it's AntyKwa, not AntyQwa:). And I didn't notice anything wrong with headers when not using \usetypescript, by the way.
Thank you, Mojca
TIA -- Marcin Borkowski