Hey Kip,
On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 09:21 +0200, Philipp Gesang wrote:
you can include XMP files with one line:
Hey Philipp. I just tried this using an incorrect filename to the xmpfile parameter and my document still compiled without error, so I'm wondering if this setup actually does anything at all or if its simply ignored?
in my case it does as I can see the XMP information embedded in the PDF. Watch out for a blob that looks like this:
<?xpacket begin="" id="vkuuxfithomqjnyxqsdpagdu"?><x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/"><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
... This should contain your metadata if used correctly, else some generic stuff. Context is just habitually a bit terse wrt error messages. Hth Philipp