One type of figure is in-line with the text and protrudes into the wide margin.
I use the following with a single-sided layout, for figures in the right part of the text, bleeding 0.5 inches into the margin (with no captions): \definefloat[bleedfig][figure] \setupfloat[bleedfig][rightmargindistance=-0.5in,default={force,none}] \def\rfig#1{\placebleedfig[right,none]{}{\externalfigure[#1]}} I learnt this method from Hans's details.pdf manual, which also has information on getting the same idea to work using a double-sided layout. I'll eventually do that. Menwahile, to use it: \rfig{somefile.pdf} Begin a paragraph, here's some text, and more text etc. and the paragraph will be typeset around somefile.pdf, with somefile.pdf bleeding into the right margin. See chapters 3 and 4 at http://web.mit.edu/18.098/ for examples. I learnt how to bleed the figures between writing chapters 2 and 3, so chapters 1 and 2 don't have the 0.5in protrusion. The source code is at the same location (see env.tex in it). -Sanjoy `Not all those who wander are lost.' (J.R.R. Tolkien)