On Sat, Feb 04, 2012 at 12:49:41PM -0500, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Sat, 4 Feb 2012, Janne Junnila wrote:
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Janne Junnila
wrote: Hi!
The following example seems to have some troubles with the latin modern fonts:
The function $f \colon \reals \to \reals$ is given by $x \mapsto x - 3$.
The colon is printed fine, but the blackboard bold Rs don't look correct. The \mapsto symbol is missing and there's a hyphen instead of minus.
Are others having the same issue? I tried to do a fresh install, but the problem persisted. There were some messages like
fonts > otf loading > skipping cyclic reference U+00028 in math variant U+00028
during compiling. I don't know if they are related to the problem.
I would like to my previous message that also Asana-Math seems to have problems.
\setupbodyfont[asana] \starttext
The function $f \colon \reals \to \reals$ is given by $x \mapsto x - 3$. Its derivative is $f'(x) = 1$.
In the above the ' in f'(x) looks wrong and there's hyphen instead of minus at x - 3. The problems arise in the current standalone, the latest stable one worked OK at least for the latin modern fonts.
The reference implementatation for math handling is cambria. With cambria $f'(x)$ and $\mapsto$ work fine. But $a-b$ gives text minus, and $a \colonequals b$ gives an error.
@Hans and Khaled: Any idea why this is happening?
\starttext \setupbodyfont[cambria] $a-b$ % text minus $a \colonequals b$ % error \stoptext
$f'(x)$ works fine with cambria and xits, but is placed low with asana. My guess is that this is the font's fault; with asana $f^{'}$ works fine. The same "bug" is also present with LMmath.
Looks like ‘ssty’ is not applied to script and scriptscript fonts, Cambria and XITS can go away with it not applied since the default prime glyphs is raised and small, but Asana (and I think Latin Modern Math) primes won't look OK without this feature applied. Regards, Khaled