Thanks, Apparently tikz is not able to handle these font styles as you can see in the following file. But it is not a big problem as one can use \tx for example whenever I need it. MO \usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary{arrows,matrix} \starttext \starttikzpicture[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}] \matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em, column sep=2.5em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex] { A&A\\ A&A\\ }; \path[->,font=\txx] (m-1-1) edge node[auto] {$A$} (m-1-2); \path[->] (m-2-1) edge node[auto] {$\tx A$} (m-2-2); \stoptikzpicture \stoptext On 3/5/2010 10:30 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 05.03.10 19:40, schrieb Mehdi Omidali:
Hi, I use tikz with MKIV and need to switch to \scriptsize in math font. \scriptsize doesn't work. What is its equivalent in MKIV? \starttext
$a$ $\tx a$ $\txx a$
$a$ $\scriptstyle a$ $\scriptscriptstyle a$