Am 07.07.2011 um 18:53 schrieb Christian:
\setupitemize[1][style=\bf\setff{smallcaps}] \setupitemize[3][style=\it] \setupitemize[4][style=\tfx,color=darkgray]
I already tried the "sytle" parameter (option?). But it has no effect :( Does it work for you?
Wrong key, style is for the symbol/number of the item. A real setup key for the content isn’t available and the best i can do (without extra markup around each entry) is the following. \definefontfeature[smcp][smcp=yes] \setupitemize[1][command=\bf\addff{smcp}] \setupitemize[2][command=\tf\subfs{smcp}] \setupitemize[3][command=\it] \setupitemize[4][command=\tf\darkgray,color=black] \setupbodyfont[palatino] \starttext \startitemize \item One \startitemize \item Two \startitemize \item Three \startitemize \item Four \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext With some extra markup a better result is possible: \definefontfeature[smcp][smcp=yes] \definestartstop[itemzero] [before=\startitem,after=\stopitem,] \definestartstop[itemone] [itemzero][style=\bf\addff{smcp}] \definestartstop[itemtwo] [itemzero][style=\tf] \definestartstop[itemthree][itemzero][style=\it] \definestartstop[itemfour] [itemzero][style=\tfx,color=darkgray] \setupbodyfont[palatino] \starttext \startitemize \startitemone One \stopitemone \startitemize \startitemtwo Two \stopitemtwo \startitemize \startitemthree Three \stopitemthree \startitemize \startitemfour Four \stopitemfour \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize \stopitemize \stoptext What you can also do is to ask Hans for style and color keys to change the layout of the itemize content (would then only be available when you use \startitem ... \stopitem). Wolfgang