On Tuesday 12 November 2002 00:31, Hans Hagen wrote:
-------------cm-test.tex-------------- \input m-gamma.tex \input type-omg.tex
\setupbodyfont[cmr,14pt] %\setupbodyfont[omlgc, 14.4pt]
This is a test
\switchtobodyfont[omlgc, 14.4pt] %\switchtobodyfont[cmr,14pt]
This is a test
\switchtobodyfont[cmr, 14pt] %\switchtobodyfont[omlgc, 14.4pt]
This is a test
in my type-omg i see no omlgc defined, so \setupbodyfont[cmr,14pt]
Eh? The following is at the end of the official tpe-omg.tex: ------------------------------ \starttypescript [OmegaLGC] \definebodyfontenvironment [omlgc] [default] [interlinespace=2.8ex] \definetypeface [omlgc] [rm] [serif] [omega] [omega] \definetypeface [omlgc] [tt] [mono] [omega] [omega] \stoptypescript ----------------------------------- and \switchtobodyfont[omlgc] is used throughout m-gamma.tex. And it works:-)
\setupbodyfont[cmr, 14pt] This is a test \fontname\font \par \switchtobodyfont[omlgc, 14.4pt] This is a test \fontname\font \par \switchtobodyfont[cmr, 14pt] This is a test \fontname\font \par
gives me expected behavior.
Are you sure? I get This is a test omlgc at 14.0pt in omlgc of course. Are you sure there's not a bug somewhere else? I have my own private fonts \definetypeface [mtnaskh] [rm] [naskh] [mtnaskhi] [mtnaskhi] [rscale=1.6] and when I do a switch to omlgc it works fine. I always enclose omlgc in its own group as well. But when I switch to cmr in its own group it does not work at all. I bet that if I replaced all the fonts in type-omg.tex with cmr it would work with no problem. There must be something else afoot.
When mixing fonts, esp with similar names, and esp in an ungrouped way, it's best to use the typeface mechanism, since it provides a namespace, while the less clever mechanism overloads definitions (keep in mind that there are some limitations to the amount of fonts and memory, so there are some trade off's)
I will study the xchange between u and Giuseppe and see if I can make sense of this. Stay tuned. Best wishes Idris -- Dr. Idris S Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523