-----Original Message----- On Jul 21, 2010, at 7:26 PM, Tom wrote:
Using TexLive MKII, I can create a PDF that looks great directly from it, unfortunately it isn't PDF/X-1a:2001.
There's a LaTeX package which will create .pdfs conformant to that specification --- perhaps the code could be ported over? If not, use pdf2ps to get a PostScript file from the .pdf, then distill the .ps file w/ the correct settings. William -- William Adams senior graphic designer Fry Communications Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. Thanks for the tip, William. I am running TexLive MKII on a Windows system and it doesn't seem to have pdf2ps. Bummer. BTW, are you located in Mechanicsburg? If so, it's a small world. Tom Benjey 717-258-9733 voice 717-243-0074 fax Twitter: @TomBenjey