It has nothing to do with keyboard, only with the software use use. But, hmmm, see ... http://www.winedt.org/poll.php
Unicode support is one of the "which features do you miss most?", so it doesn't really look promising, at least not yet.
Ok, I voted, but I actually corresponded with the developer (Alex) a few months ago and this is what he said: ======================== I am afraid that UNICODE will not be supported just yet. In part, because I am overwhelmed with feature requests (including requests for Linux versions) and I just cannot keep up with it - WinEdt is still a one-programmer project. The other reason is that Delphi 7 still does not support UNICODE in its controls (VCL) and that would require quite some low level programming or shopping for third party unicode compatible VCL extensions. Finally, the request for UNICODE among WinEdt users at the moment is still moderate and since implementation is non-trivial and requires a lot of testing it is not top priority. If/when I embark on a new major version of WinEdt I'll take UNICODE and BiDi support into design consideration from start. Right now it would be a lot of patching and more problems that I can handle. But I would like to rewrite WinEdt and fix the problems that were inherited from the original design (from 1993) when computers were slow, memory was low and Windows 3.1 crashed regularly... ========================
vim supports UTF (I have problems typing UTF under windows) and most advanced text editors should support it also; I use scite for (Con)TeX(t) in unicode recently. I've just found http://dev.remotenetworktechnology.com/SciTE/WordCheck.vbs.txt on internet, which is probably exactly the thing Ciro was looking for, but I wasn't able to execute it, maybe I have some programs missing.
In any case, I don't think there is any Unicode/bidi editor better than UniPad http://www.unipad.org/main/ Absolutely no TeX-friendly features, so I now edit my Arabic in UniPad and do TeX in WinEdt. In particular, UniPad (Unicode 4.0 compliant) (1) handles virtually all accents and diacritics (whereas most editors with some unicode/bidi support do not support all needed Arabic accents); and (2) implements these in a most innovative/friendly one-dimensional fashion, (unlike all others, in which it is a pain to edit accents and diacritics--due to their 2-dimensional nature); I mention this in detail because if the scite people decide to implement some unicode support, then UniPad is the best paradigm to look at, particularly for bidi and Arabic accents. If Hans or anyone else has influence with the Scite developers, please pass this on, and I'll be happy to help anyone interested in the Arabic aspects of bidi-unicode implementation (testing, etc.). Best Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523