And if you want pure lua, you can do:
\startluacode function document.pagesetup(ref_one,ref_two) local one, bug = structures.references.identify("",ref_one) if bug then context("[unknown reference: %s]",ref_one) return end local two, bug = structures.references.identify("",ref_two) if bug then context("[unknown reference: %s]",ref_two) return end structures.references.analyze(one) structures.references.analyze(two) local r_one = one.realpage local r_two = two.realpage if not r_one or not r_two then context("[unknown pagenumbers]") elseif r_one == r_two then context("[same pagenumbers]") else context("[different pagenumbers]") end end \stopluacode
\ctxlua{document.pagesetup("one","two")} \ctxlua{document.pagesetup("one","two-a")} \ctxlua{document.pagesetup("two-a","two-b")}
but the reference interface is not yet documented
Thanks, the lua solution works fine. One question: is the same possible with linereferences as with pagereferences? It's very important for the critical edition project I'm working at. Greetings, Martin