Hello everybody, I am rather new to ConTeXt and I am momentarily stuck with the following: How can I further format the way an inline reference and a bibliographic reference in the publications list are displayed? For example I would like to display the author(s) in spaced-out small caps (I am using the “letterspace” module). The year should be in oldstyle numbers both in the inline reference and in the publications list. An inline-reference should like this (simulated without BibTeX, letterspacing slightly exaggerated): % ====== MWE =============================== \usemodule[t][letterspace] \defineletterspace [LSsmcp] \setupletterspace [LSsmcp][factor=.08, spaceskip=.4em, suppresskern=no,] \starttext \input knuth ({\LSsmcp {\sc Knuth}} {\os 1991}) \input zapf \stoptext % ========================================== I have defaulted oldstyle numbers my environment but I would like to get the the small caps working for the author(s) name(s). I messed around with \setuppublications and \setupcite without success. Is there a way to invoke such formatting in those setups? Greetings Joerg