Hi, I tried to use an interactionmenu to jump to specific pages of a DINA4 document (some copies are included). It works very well, at least with the FirstPage-- and LastPage--Button But the jump to a pagereference changes the "Actual Size"-- and the "Fit Width"--view to the "Fit in Window"--view, which is rather improper to read DINA4--documents on screen. The two actions are combined, and I don't know why. Any hints? I have the same problem with \goto{}[]. Thomas Lohmann %%%%%%%%example%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupoutput [pdftex] \setuplayout [backspace=4cm,width=14cm] \setupcolors [state=start] \setupalign[hanging] \setupinteraction [state=start, color=blue, menu=on, style=normal] \setuplayout [rightedge=4cm, rightmargin=0cm, leftedge=3cm, leftmargin=0cm] \setupinteractionmenu[left] [frame=off, background=color, backgroundcolor=yellow, backgroundcorner=round, style=\setsmallbodyfont\tfx, height=1.0cm] \startinteractionmenu[left] \but [FirstPage] Erste Seite \\ \but [LastPage] Letzte Seite \\ \but [anlage] Anlagenverzeichnis \\ % "Fit Width" --> "Fit in Window" ?? \but [ExitViewer] Dokument schließen \\ \stopinteractionmenu \starttext test \goto{Anlagenverzeichnis}[anlage] \page[yes] \pagereference[anlage] test \stoptext