Hartmut, Good eyes! Exactly right, or should I say xright? Thanks. At 05:08 PM 1/4/04 +0100, you wrote:
Hi David,
it happens already in figure 6! By writing
path left; ... path right;
you have redefined internal things "left" and "right". With e. g.
%draw spring block left path xleft; xleft:=(2,9)--(3,9)--(3,11)--(2,11)--cycle; xleft:=xleft scaled u; stripe_path_a(withcolor black)(draw) xleft withcolor white; draw (3u,9u)--(3u,11u);
%draw spring block right path xright; xright:=(17,9)--(18,9)--(18,11)--(17,11)--cycle; xright:=xright scaled u; stripe_path_a(withcolor black)(draw) xright withcolor white; draw (17u,9u)--(17u,11u);
it works.
Regards, Hartmut
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hartmut Henkel, Oftersheim, Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list ntg-context@ntg.nl http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context