27 Sep
27 Sep
10:07 a.m.
However the resulting PDF shows incorrect characters.
Incorrect characters are in "Hirakana" and "Katakana". The incorrect Japanese characters are also shown in the case of "SourceHanSans-Regular.otf", the same feature in the case of "NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf". On the other hand, if I use "SourceHanSansJP-Regular.otf", all characters seem to be correct. All fonts are version 1.001. In the case of XeTeX with the latest xdvipdfmx in the TL repository, "SourceHanSans-Regular.otf", "SourceHanSansJP-Regular.otf", and "NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.otf" give the same correct results. Best, Akira