mtxrun --verbose --noquotes bin:vim "-u NONE"
work correctly on windows?
What about if you run "texexec --lua" instead of "context" (with noquote changed to noquotes in t-vim.tex)?
Same problem. The log shows: MTXrun | MTXrun | executing: vim "-u NONE -e -C -n -c set" "tabstop=8 -c syntax" "on -c set" "syntax=c -c let" "contextstartline=1 -c let" "contextstopline=0 -c source" "c:/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim -c wqa vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp " MTXrun | MTXrun | You can see from above that the argument of vim command -c is not correctly quoted. As mentioned in my last email, the \runvimsyntax generates an incorrect vim command. For example, we expect the line in \runvimsyntax -c \shellescapedquote syntax on\shellescapedquote\space Will be: -c "syntax on" in the vim command line. However, the log shows it become to: -c syntax " " on. I think that is one problem cause the failure. I also tried type the command manually: vim -u None -e -C -n -c "set tabstop=8" -c "syntax on" -c "set syntax=c" -c "let contextstartline=1" -c "let contextstopline=0" -c "source c:/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim" -c "wqa" "vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp" It works. File named "vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp-vimsyntax.tmp" generated. Next time run texexec will get the correct pdf output. Another found is if tried mtxrun as: mtxrun --verbose --noquotes bin:vim "-u None -e -C -n -V10log -c \"set tabstop=8\" -c \"syntax on\" -c \"set syntax=c\" -c \"let contextstartline=1\" -c \"let contextstopline=0\" -c \"source c:/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim\" -c \"wqa\" \"vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp\" " or mtxrun --verbose --noquotes bin:vim -u None -e -C -n -V10log -c "set tabstop=8" -c "syntax on" -c "set syntax=c" -c "let contextstartline=1" -c "let contextstopline=0" -c "source c:/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim" -c "wqa" "vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp" " No vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp-vimsyntax.tmp generated. The vim log says that it: could not source "None" It seems the vim may not received the -c "source ..." and other parameters. So I move the vim command to a batch file: vimcmd.bat with following line, call vim -u None -e -C -n -c "set tabstop=8" -c "syntax on" -c "set syntax=c" -c "let contextstartline=1" -c "let contextstopline=0" -c "source c:/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/third/vim/2context.vim" %* then call mtxrun --verbose --noquotes bin:vimcmd -c "wqa" "vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp" or mtxrun --verbose --noquotes bin:vimcmd "-c \"wqa\" \"vimdemo-vimsyntax.tmp\" " It works well. I haven't linux/unix machine on hand so I didn't know if this problem is only occurred in windows. Or the mtxrun related? Andy