On 04/01/2017 05:32 PM, Rik Kabel wrote:
On 2017-04-01 00:10, Todd DeVries wrote:
Thanks for your assistance. Was unaware of using the setupheads command incorrectly. Good information to have. I am still not able to produce an automatic period (.) at the end of the section title using the after keyword. is this correct?
Seems to be. While before= is honored, after= is not. This looks like an inconsistency that can be addressed.
Hi Todd, this will give the output you like: \setuppapersize[letter] \setuptagging[state=start] \setuphead[subsection][style=\bf, number=no, commandafter={.~}, textdistance=0cm, alternative=text] \starttext \startsubsection[title=First Subsection] \input knuth \stopsubsection \stoptext
alternative=text is working, but \startparagraph is starting a new paragraph after the heading. \start\stopparagraph is not happy with the text alternative. I am wondering if this is just not going to work with the tagging subsystem. The subsection aligns if I remove the start/stop paragraph following the heading. But if I add a second paragraph in that subsection it breaks again.
Example, please. I have no problem adding a start/stopparagraph after your knuth. (Note that the knuth has to be terminated in a \par or a blank line. That is because of the construction of that input file.)
Add a sample, otherwise we might speculate about what you’re aiming at. Tagging PDFs the way you seem to be trying might be impossible. Here is my sample: \setuppapersize[letter] \setuptagging[state=start] \starttext \startsubsection[title=First Subsection] \startparagraph a\stopparagraph \startparagraph b\stopparagraph \startparagraph c\stopparagraph \stopsubsection \stoptext Both paragraphs and headings are block elements (I have just checked it at https://wwwimages2.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2...). Block elements cannot contain other block elements inside. Displaying block elements as inline elements, if not contradictory, might be misleading, at least.
I use tagged pdfs for output because they are more accessible with my screen reader. Without tagging, all one gets is long blocks of undifferentiated text. With the correct tags, paragraphs, headings, lists, and tables get created that make more sense with auditory output. To my knowledge, ConTeXt is the only alternative for producing accessible pdfs beyond working with Acrobat pro or MS. Word. After writing a 70-page academic project in Word, I'm seeking alternatives!
This is an issue about text structure. We speak of block elements because they have vertical space between them (even if set to none).
Perhaps one can just use in-paragraph bolding and mark that text for the table of contents as an alternative. This is required for heading level 3 content in APA style.
For now that might be best as long as you do not need to reference them in a table of contents (not required by APA, as I read the standard, although perhaps an added requirement from your publisher).
It seems that H3 should be a block element, not an inline element inside P (according to most XML implementations, I’d say). Why do you need in-line titles? But I may be missing something, correct me if I’m wrong. Sorry for the bad news, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk