19 Mar
19 Mar
10:09 a.m.
Am 19.03.2011 um 03:41 schrieb Cecil Westerhof:
Lastly a question about a long click-able email address. I would like it not to be broken up. But sometimes this can happen. See the end of the document.(Can of-course also happen with a short address, but will happen less often.) What is the best way to circumvent this? At the moment I just put it centered on its own line. At the moment I do not have a problem with this. But I do not know if this will be always the case.
\gotobox{quitealongusernametowriteanemailt@dummy.nl}[url(quitealongusernametowriteanemailt@dummy.nl)] and \setupinteraction[state=start] to your document. Wolfgang