Tobias Wolf wrote:
But on the other hand, Hans, why can't I compile the PDFTex docs because I don't have this ( http://www.ntg.nl/pipermail/ntg-context/2004/006705.html )
What version of the pdftex manual? The latest one in the CVS has this around line 350: % We use adobe metrics instead of urw metrics because tetex only % ships the former. Beware, these metrics differ! \loadmapfile[context-base.map] \usetypescript [adobekb] [\defaultencoding] \usetypescript [palatino][\defaultencoding] and that additional \loadmapfile line may solve your problem. At least, that part works for menow. I had a 'ec-raw-palatino.map is missing' error message with a previous version of the manual. It still doesn't compile quite right with my pdfetex, but that is probably because it is the CVS version. ;-) Taco