Dear Hans, when you fixed the bug with attachment being listed twice in the attachment list, you also enhanced attachment support On Mon, 28 Feb 2011, Hans Hagen wrote:
as far as i can see there were a couple of issues: attachments without associated annotation, and labeling and both are covered, but using the same command and extra keys/values ...
as far as I understand, "attachments without associated annotation" are called "hidden" in ConTeXt, as in \attachment[test][file=att.tex,title=Oeps,author=Hans,subtitle=TeX File,method=hidden] But that does not work and, as far as I can see from the current beta code, is not supposed to. For example, in lpdf-wid.lua we have local function flushembeddedfiles() if next(filestreams) then local e = pdfarray() for tag, reference in next, filestreams do if not reference then report_attachment("unreferenced file: tag '%s'",tag) elseif referenced[name] == "hidden" then e[#e+1] = pdfstring(tag) e[#e+1] = reference -- already a reference else -- messy spec ... when annot not in named else twice in menu list acrobat end end lpdf.addtonames("EmbeddedFiles",pdfreference(pdfflushobject(pdfdictionary{ Names = e }))) end end Note the "referenced[name]" part, while there is no "name" variable. It seems the working code did not find its way into released version and some draft got shipped. Sincerely, Michail