Hi all! I'm trying to work with environements, projects, products and components. I have the following setup, involving juste one component at the moment: The component file is named acoustique.tex: \startcomponent acoustique \product prd_articlesdemo \project project_dhfq2 [some text] \stopcomponent Then, in the same folder, there's the product file: \startproduct prd_articlesdemo \project project_dhfq2 \component acoustique \stopproduct Then, in the same folder, there's the project file: \startproject project_dhfq2 \environment env_dhfq2 \product prd_articlesdemo \stopproject Then, in a folder above my working folder, there's the environment file: \startenvironment env_dhfq2 [too much stuff to paste here] \stopenvironment Now when I compile either the component or the product, I get: TeXExec | no ctx file found TeXExec | nothing to process What I am doing wrong? Is it right not to use \starttext ... \stoptext here? Thanks! JFS