Hi, Why do all the rendering setups in strc-con.mkvi use \noindent? Can the \noindet be replaced by \noindentation? \noindent has some side effects. For example, consider this recent question on TeX.SE: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/499464/context-empty-line-in-enumera... which basically boils down to the difference between: \showboxes \starttext \noindent \inmargin{Example 1} \startitemize \item This is how enumeration works. \stopitemize \inmargin{Example 2} \startitemize \item This works correctly \stopitemize \stoptext Note that the first example has an extra space before the itemize. In principle, replacing \noindent by \noindentation fixes the extra line break, but it does not work with enumerations because it uses \inmargin[scope=local]: \showboxes \starttext \noindentation \inmargin[scope=local]{Example 1} \startitemize \item This is how enumeration works. \stopitemize \inmargin[scope=local]{Example 2} \startitemize \item This works correctly \stopitemize \stoptext where the box containing "noindentation" is misgligned. So, two questions: * Why is \noindent used instead of \noidentation? * Is there a bug with scope=local? Aditya