Hi! ConTeXt can detect issues in the sources and report them on the console with the argument --errors or with \enabledirectives [logs.errors]. The return value is still “0” (=success) even with errors present. Right now I use a script that parses the log file and lets me know if a run has issues. However, it would be great if context could return a non-zero value if errors are present. I've found that \enabledirectives [logs.errors=missing characters] returns “1” if characters are missing. Lovely! Undefined control sequences always return 1 (a TeX thing I believe and not related to the macro package). But undefined control sequences don't show up on the console as the other errors do if general output (except errors) is silenced e.g. with context --silent --noconsole --nostatistics --errors <file> The question is, what other directives can be enabled that make context return a failure? Is there a way to return failure if *any* error is encountered or do they need to be enabled each individually? And is there a way to show hard TeX errors as undefined control sequences as a “possible issue” if output is silenced? MWE: %% enables logging of errors same as --errors AFAIK \enabledirectives [logs.errors] %% makes context return 1 on missing chars, great! %% \enabledirectives %% [logs.errors=missing characters] \starttext %% missing characters 𝒜 %% missing figure \externalfigure [foo] %% \end occurred inside a group at level 1 %% ### semi simple group … entered at line \startalignment [middle] foo %% missing references See \in{section}[sec:none]. %% undefined control sequence %% \undefined \stoptext Marco