On 8/22/22 17:46, Jethro Djan via ntg-context wrote:
Thanks for the solution Pablo. It works well.
Glad to read it worked for you, Jethro.
I wanted to add more pdfs (which also has many pages) and found it was easier for me to reason in the lua side of things. This is what I have at the moment:
I think this might be what you intend: \setuplayout[page] \starttext \doloopoverlist{ass1,ass2,ass3,ass4,ass5,ass6,ass7,ass8} {\def\Doc{\recursestring.pdf} \getfiguredimensions[\Doc] \dorecurse{\noffigurepages} {\externalfigure[\Doc] [page=\recurselevel, width=20cm, scale=950]}} \stoptext
I didn’t know how to get an array (or indexed table or whatever you call it) in ConTeXt/Tex.
\doloopoverlist & \recursestring are your friends here.
My problem is now with context(context.noffigurepages). Am I calling it wrong? All I want to do is call \noffigurepages from the lua side. Is there something I am missing?
The approach is totally different: "getnofpages" (http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/luametatex.pdf#search=getnofpages). BTW, your code crashed my session, CPU goes to 100% and RAM usage too. I wonder how your sample could be compiled fine by your system. I hope it helps, Pablo