Hi Hans, producing a table over several pages 1. the running tablehead is only on first page 2. the running tablefoot is only on the last page that problem is also not fixed. Bernd %%% ---- TestFile % \starttext % \SetTableToWidth{\textwidth} \setuptables[split=yes,bodyfont=9pt] \starttablehead \HL % \NC\use{2}\ReFormat[lp(0.28\textwidth)]{Datum\hfill Ereignis} \NC Person \NC PID \NC {\it PID} \NC\tfx Seite\NC\tfx Beleg\NC\FR % << \AR \HL \stoptablehead \starttabletail \HL \stoptabletail % \starttables[|lp(0.2\textwidth)|lp(0.04\textwidth)|lp(0.3\textwidth)|lp(0.05\textwidth)|lp(0.05\textwidth)|rp(0.06\textwidth)|lp(0.05\textwidth)|] % \dorecurse{50}{ \NC 2006-08-18 \NC U \NC Militzer, Bernd\NC 002\NC 003\NC \NC J\NC\AR \NC 1771-12-05 \NC G \NC Rudolph, Johann Heinrich\NC 134\NC 135\NC \NC J\NC\AR } \NC\NC\NC\NC\NC\NC\NC\NC\LR %<< Last Row \LR % \stoptables \stoptext