On Sun, 06 May 2012 22:52:50 -0600, Aditya Mahajan
Am I still missing something? Thanks again, Aditya!
You need to provide context-export.css file! There is an sample css file in the distribution. See export-example.{tex,css}. You can tweak it to style the resultant xml as you want.
Ah! I have to write my own css file! I was thinking somehow context would export the relevant setup info in the original file to the css file... Ok, I'm much clearer now. In my current case (academic article) I might be better off just manually redoing the article in markdown rather than fiddling with css, but at some point I want to learn the latter skill as well. At least the xml export gives me a clean text I can copy from my browser to tag in md as well. That saves time. So a possible blogger-friendly workflow (at least till I gain facility with css): context->xml/xhtml->browser (copy to editor)->markdown (manual). Thanks, Aditya! Idris