2010/11/24 Aditya Mahajan
On Wed, 24 Nov 2010, Vladimir Lomov wrote:
The command \iint is defined in context (mkiv) but it doesn't produce the desired sign. What I should do to make it appear? (in log file I see that LMMath font desn't contain such symbol but I don't know much about font mechanism of context, btw in latex I could easily get that symbol so I think it should be in 'standard' math font).
No, the symbol is not in the 'standard' math fonts, and this is trouble. Like LaTeX, we also fake the glyph in MkII. In MkIV, we check if the font contains that glyph; if not we fake it. Currently, that test is failing.
A temporary workaround (for LM) is to redefine:
\def\repeatintegral#1#2#3% {\let\dointlimits\donothing \let\dodointlimits\intlimits %\iffontchar\textfont\zerocount#1\relax % %\edef\dodorepeatintegral{\utfchar{#1}}% % \let\dodorepeatintegral#2% %\else \fakerepeatintegral{#3}% %\fi \futurelet\next\dorepeatintegral}
and then \iint \iiint etc will work. Thank you for advice (I had to regenerate format to see the result, because I changed the definition in 'math-int.mkiv') but the result is terrible for inline math and normal for displaystyle.
Moreover I found that this solution would give unexpected result if one use \setupmathematics[integral=displaylimits], consider the following example: <example name="ex7_1.tex"> \setupmathematics[integral=displaylimits] \starttext Ordinary integral: $\int_{a}^{b}f(x)\text{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$. Ordinary integral: $\int\limits_{a}^{b}f(x)\text{d}x=F(b)-F(a)$. \startformula \int_{a}^{b}f(x)\text{d}x=F(b)-F(a). \stopformula Double integral: $\iint_{D} f(x,y) dx dy$ Double integral sign (faked symbol) could cause incorrect result: \startformula \iint_{D} f(x,y) \text{d}x \text{d} y \stopformula \stoptext </example> (I didn't remember where exactly I found command \setupmathematics.)
Hans, do you know what the \textfont check is not working for LM?
The ideal solution is to add esint glyphs to the LM math virtual font. I did not work on this because I was assuming that opentype LM math will be out soon. But it seems that right now, the only decent opentype math font is Cambria. Both Stix and Asansa give really horrible spacing at times. IMHO, Cambria looks very odd. I prefer to use CM fonts, the design for different font families (serif, sans, monospace) is more balanced than any other font families have.
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov