Hi again.
I understand you don’t want to export some arbitrary (X)HTML. That’s fine, I can make my own XSLT.
And I’m glad that \setupexport doesn’t kill hyphenation any more.
But there are serious errors in export, that have nothing to do with „there’s no usable standard“.
[1] root node
First, the exported XML file lacks a root node!
Just call it <export> or <context> or whatever you like, but it MUST be there, otherwise it’s no wellformed XML.
If I enable xhtml mode like
the exported file stops after a few lines.
If I set xhtml=somefile.xhtml, I get the broken export.xml and the complete somefile.xhtml, so I guess xhtml=yes causes overwriting the complete file with the incomplete one.
As far as I remember previous discussions, this incomplete content is caused by the project structure (using project, product, environment); from single file it seemed to work, at least at that time, I didn’t check.
Since xhtml mode doesn’t do anything useful anyway, I can just drop the setting.
[2] metadata
The metadata from \setupexport is completely ignored.
The metadata from \settaggedmetadata is exported just fine, but it ends up within the first block of the first page, if that’s not empty.
e.g. my text starts with \startlines Title etc. \stoplines, then <metadata><metavariable> etc. is exported within <lines>.
If I add something like \startparagraph \stopparagraph to contain the metadata, it disappears. Of course I don’t want to add something visible (then it works again).
[3] cover picture
The firstpage key of setupexport is supposed to define a cover picture for the ePub, but it doesn’t do anything, as far as I can tell.
Or is something wrong in:
[4] delimited
If \quotation{} contains more than one paragraph (in my case it’s a quote), the