On 1/12/2019 16:08, Jan U. Hasecke wrote:
Hi Aditya,
Am 12.01.19 um 20:11 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Sat, 12 Jan 2019, Jan U. Hasecke wrote:
Hi all,
in my document \startchapter and \starttitle starts a new chapter on the right (odd) page. So sometimes, there is a blank even page just before a new chapter.
I would like to manipulate this blank even page.
There are several things I would like to do, eg. having no headers and footers, setting the background color to a named color, placing an image or some graphics on the page.
Is there a way to define such a page, name it and call it in \startchapter so that it is placed on the left side. See https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/457428/323 Thanks a lot, but I wasn't looking for a way to just delete page numbers but to style the empty page in arbitrary ways.
Maybe it is better to do this manually.
I would let chapter open on even pages too and just insert a styled page by hand.
I place an epigraph on verso page before a few chapters with the following: \definehead[ChapterEpigraph][title] \setuphead [ChapterEpigraph][ page={yes,left}, insidesection=\vfill, aftersection={\vfill\vfill}, header=empty, placehead=no, ] %% The following always creates a verso page if there is an %% epigraph to set or not. \startsetups chapter:epigraph \doifelsebuffer{ChapterEpigraph} {\page[yes,header,footer,left] \dontleavehmode \vfill \getbuffer [ChapterEpigraph] \resetbuffer [ChapterEpigraph] \vfill \vfill } {\page[yes,header,footer,left]} \page[yes,header,footer,right] \stopsetups <...> \stopchapter% end previous chapter \startChapterEpigraph% no epigraph on next \stopChapterEpigraph \startchapter[reference={cha:no-epigraph-chapter}, title={Chapter with no epigraph}] <...> \stopchapter% \startChapterEpigraph <stuff to put in epigraph here> \stopChapterEpigraph \startchapter[reference={cha:next-chapter}, title={Chapter with epigraph}] <...> I am not sure where I got the hints for this. I haven't revisited it for a while, and it does look like there is some redundant use of \vfill, but it worked for me. You may be able to build on it.