14 Aug
14 Aug
2:40 p.m.
Am Montag, 14. August 2023, 13:44:44 CEST schrieb Mikael Sundqvist:
I do not understand what you want to have, so here is just something weird, but probably you look for simplealign.
\definemathsimplealign [whatever]
\starttext \startformula \startalign \NC a = \NC (b, c) \quad \mtext{with}\NR \NC \NC \startwhatever \NC b \NC = something \NR \NC c \NC = someother \NR \stopwhatever \NR \NC somelong = \NC bla \NR \stopalign \stopformula \stoptext
Thanks, this looks exactly like that what I want. However, this does not really nest aligns, but defines a new alignment group/environment (if I interpret it correctly). But after all, it is a viable workaround. Gerion