On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 11:45:32AM +0200, Vit Zyka wrote:
Sorry, I can not reproduce your example. I get only red page with black page number in header. No white box. And I do not known metaobj macro.
The graphics won't compile without metaobj, which is a very nice macro package for metapost, available at CTAN/graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/metaobj/
But I have a question. It is really needed to surround \definecolor by \startMPenvironment? Since \definecolor has to result to \pdfobj and \pdfliteral (pdftex primitives) and propagation to mpost (which is EPS not PDF generator) has no sence. Only reference to color is needed and it is done via \MPcolor. Am I right?
During a texexec run, inline MP graphics are automatically generated and converted in case of PDF output, provided that you have configured your texexec to do so. Definitions enclosed in \startMPenvironment ... \stopMPenvironment are made available not only inside MP graphics, but also for the main document by the [global] option. In this case, I use it to maintainn color consistency between metapost and tex. Without \startMPenvironment, the color definition would be available in context only, not for inline graphics. -- Eckhart