I need for my job a regime for Latin5 languages (spec. Turkish). I have made two files regi-lt5.tex and enco-lt5.tex that seem to do a good work. Any comment is useful. luigi ---begin regi-lt5.tex------------------------------------------------------------------- %D \module %D [ file=regi-lt5, %D version=2005.0.0, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Encoding Macros, %D subtitle=TEST fot latin5, %D author=Luigi Scarso, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=PRAGMA-ADE] %C %C This module is NOT part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package. %C rif: %C www.ecma-internaltional.org/pubblications/standards/Ecma-128.htm %C This module is NOT part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package. \startregime [latin5] %% \defineactivetoken 32 {} % SPACE %% \defineactivetoken 33 {} % EXCLAMATION MARK %% \defineactivetoken 34 {} % QUOTATION MARK %% \defineactivetoken 35 {} % NUMBER SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 36 {} % DOLLAR SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 37 {} % PERCENT SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 38 {} % AMPERSAND %% \defineactivetoken 39 {} % APOSTROPHE %% \defineactivetoken 40 {} % LEFT PARENTHESIS %% \defineactivetoken 41 {} % RIGHT PARENTHESIS %% \defineactivetoken 42 {} % ASTERISK %% \defineactivetoken 43 {} % PLUS SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 44 {} % COMMA %% \defineactivetoken 45 {} % HYPHEN-MINUS %% \defineactivetoken 46 {} % FULL STOP %% \defineactivetoken 47 {} % SOLIDUS %% \defineactivetoken 48 {} % DIGIT ZERO %% \defineactivetoken 49 {} % DIGIT ONE %% \defineactivetoken 50 {} % DIGIT TWO %% \defineactivetoken 51 {} % DIGIT THREE %% \defineactivetoken 52 {} % DIGIT FOUR %% \defineactivetoken 53 {} % DIGIT FIVE %% \defineactivetoken 54 {} % DIGIT SIX %% \defineactivetoken 55 {} % DIGIT SEVEN %% \defineactivetoken 56 {} % DIGIT EIGHT %% \defineactivetoken 57 {} % DIGIT NINE %% \defineactivetoken 58 {} % COLON %% \defineactivetoken 59 {} % SEMICOLON %% \defineactivetoken 60 {} % LESS-THAN SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 61 {} % EQUALS SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 62 {} % GREATER-THAN SIGN %% \defineactivetoken 63 {} % QUESTION MARK %% \defineactivetoken 64 {} % COMMERCIAL AT %% \defineactivetoken 65 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A %% \defineactivetoken 66 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B %% \defineactivetoken 67 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C %% \defineactivetoken 68 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D %% \defineactivetoken 69 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E %% \defineactivetoken 70 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F %% \defineactivetoken 71 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G %% \defineactivetoken 72 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H %% \defineactivetoken 73 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I %% \defineactivetoken 74 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J %% \defineactivetoken 75 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K %% \defineactivetoken 76 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L %% \defineactivetoken 77 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M %% \defineactivetoken 78 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N %% \defineactivetoken 79 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O %% \defineactivetoken 80 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P %% \defineactivetoken 81 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q %% \defineactivetoken 82 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R %% \defineactivetoken 83 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S %% \defineactivetoken 84 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T %% \defineactivetoken 85 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U %% \defineactivetoken 86 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V %% \defineactivetoken 87 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W %% \defineactivetoken 88 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X %% \defineactivetoken 89 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y %% \defineactivetoken 90 {} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z %% \defineactivetoken 91 {} % LEFT SQUARE BRACKET %% \defineactivetoken 92 {} % REVERSE SOLIDUS %% \defineactivetoken 93 {} % RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET %% \defineactivetoken 94 {} % CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT %% \defineactivetoken 95 {} % LOW LINE %% \defineactivetoken 96 {} % GRAVE ACCENT %% \defineactivetoken 97 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A %% \defineactivetoken 98 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER B %% \defineactivetoken 99 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER C %% \defineactivetoken 100 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER D %% \defineactivetoken 101 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER E %% \defineactivetoken 102 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER F %% \defineactivetoken 103 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER G %% \defineactivetoken 104 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER H %% \defineactivetoken 105 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER I %% \defineactivetoken 106 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER J %% \defineactivetoken 107 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER K %% \defineactivetoken 108 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER L %% \defineactivetoken 109 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER M %% \defineactivetoken 110 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER N %% \defineactivetoken 111 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O %% \defineactivetoken 112 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER P %% \defineactivetoken 113 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER Q %% \defineactivetoken 114 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER R %% \defineactivetoken 115 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER S %% \defineactivetoken 116 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER T %% \defineactivetoken 117 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER U %% \defineactivetoken 118 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER V %% \defineactivetoken 119 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER W %% \defineactivetoken 120 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER X %% \defineactivetoken 121 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y %% \defineactivetoken 122 {} % LATIN SMALL LETTER Z %% \defineactivetoken 123 {} % LEFT CURLY BRACKET %% \defineactivetoken 124 {} % VERTICAL LINE %% \defineactivetoken 125 {} % RIGHT CURLY BRACKET %% \defineactivetoken 126 {} % TILDE \defineactivetoken 160 {~} % NO-BREAK SPACE \defineactivetoken 161 {\exclamdown} % INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK \defineactivetoken 162 {\textcent} % CENT SIGN \defineactivetoken 163 {\pound} % POUND SIGN \defineactivetoken 164 {\textcurrency} % CURRENCY SIGN \defineactivetoken 165 {\textyen} % YEN SIGN \defineactivetoken 166 {\textbrokenbar} % BROKEN BAR \defineactivetoken 167 {\sectionmark} % SECTION SIGN \defineactivetoken 168 {\textdiaeresis} % DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 169 {\copyright} % COPYRIGHT SIGN \defineactivetoken 170 {\textordfeminine} % FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR \defineactivetoken 171 {\lowerleftdoubleninequote} % LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK \defineactivetoken 172 {\textlognot} % NOT SIGN \defineactivetoken 173 {\softhyphen} % SOFT HYPHEN \defineactivetoken 174 {\registered} % REGISTERED SIGN \defineactivetoken 175 {\registered} % MACRON \defineactivetoken 176 {\textdegree} % DEGREE SIGN \defineactivetoken 177 {\textpm} % PLUS-MINUS SIGN \defineactivetoken 178 {\twosuperior} % SUPERSCRIPT TWO \defineactivetoken 179 {\threesuperior} % SUPERSCRIPT THREE \defineactivetoken 180 {\textacute} % ACUTE ACCENT \defineactivetoken 181 {\mathematics{\mu}} % MICRO SIGN \defineactivetoken 182 {\paragraphmark}% PILCROW SIGN \defineactivetoken 183 {\periodcentered} % MIDDLE DOT \defineactivetoken 184 {\textcedilla} % CEDILLA \defineactivetoken 185 {\onesuperior} % SUPERSCRIPT \defineactivetoken 186 {\textordmasculine} % MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR \defineactivetoken 187 {\lowerrightdoubleninequote} % RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK \defineactivetoken 188 {\onequarter} % VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER \defineactivetoken 189 {\onehalf} % VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF \defineactivetoken 190 {\threequarter} % VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTER \defineactivetoken 191 {\questiondown} % INVERTED QUESTION MARK \defineactivetoken 192 {\Agrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 193 {\Aacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 194 {\Acircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 195 {\Atilde} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE \defineactivetoken 196 {\Adiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 197 {\Aring} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING \defineactivetoken 198 {\AEligature} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE \defineactivetoken 199 {\Ccedilla} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA \defineactivetoken 200 {\Egrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 201 {\Eacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 202 {\Ecircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 203 {\Ediaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 204 {\Igrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 205 {\Iacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 206 {\Icircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 207 {\Idiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 208 {\Gbreve} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE \defineactivetoken 209 {\Ntilde} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE \defineactivetoken 210 {\Ograve} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 211 {\Oacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 212 {\Ocircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 213 {\Otilde} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE \defineactivetoken 214 {\Odiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 215 {\textmultiply} % MULTIPLICATION SIGN \defineactivetoken 216 {\Ostroke} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE \defineactivetoken 217 {\Ugrave} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 218 {\Uacute} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 219 {\Ucircumflex} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 220 {\Udiaeresis} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 221 {\Idotaccent} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT \defineactivetoken 222 {\Scedilla} % LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA \defineactivetoken 223 {\ssharp} % LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German) \defineactivetoken 224 {\agrave} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 225 {\aacute} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 226 {\acircumflex} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 227 {\atilde} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE \defineactivetoken 228 {\adiaeresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 229 {\aring} % LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING \defineactivetoken 230 {\aeligature} % LATIN SMALL LETTER AE \defineactivetoken 231 {\ccedilla} % LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA \defineactivetoken 232 {\egrave} % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 233 {\eacute} % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 234 {\ecircumflex} % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 235 {\ediaeresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 236 {\igrave} % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 237 {\iacute} % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 238 {\icircumflex} % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 239 {\idiaeresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 240 {\gbreve} % LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE \defineactivetoken 241 {\ntilde} % LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE \defineactivetoken 242 {\ograve} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 243 {\oacute} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 244 {\ocircumflex} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 245 {\otilde} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE \defineactivetoken 246 {\odiaeresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 247 {\textdiv} % DIVISION SIGN \defineactivetoken 248 {\ostroke} % LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE \defineactivetoken 249 {\ugrave} % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE \defineactivetoken 250 {\uacute} % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE \defineactivetoken 251 {\ucircumflex} % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX \defineactivetoken 252 {\udiaeresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS \defineactivetoken 253 {\dotlessi} % LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I \defineactivetoken 254 {\scedilla} % LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA \defineactivetoken 255 {\ydiaresis} % LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS \stopregime \endinput ---end regi-lt5.tex------------------------------------------------------------------- ---begin enco-lt5.tex------------------------------------------------------------------- % temporary module, needed for downward compatibility \input regi-lt5.tex \enableregime[latin5] \endinput ---end enco-lt5.tex-------------------------------------------------------------------