14 Jul
14 Jul
9:44 a.m.
Am 14.07.2012 um 00:32 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 13-7-2012 10:02, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Hi Hans,
can you add a testpage option to \setuphead?
%\setuphead[section][testpage=4] \setuphead[section][before={\testpage[4]\blank[2*big]}]
\dorecurse{36}{Line \recurselevel\par}
\dorecurse{36}{Line \recurselevel\par}
Are we sure about that key? (a conditional page entry is also an option, like page=lines:4 or so
Adding the \testpage functionality to \page (and providing \blank like options, e.g. "lines:4,offset:1cm") is another solution and has the advantage that you don’t need another key for \setuphead etc. Wolfgang