On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Hans van der Meer
On 2 mrt 2011, at 07:05, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 01.03.2011 um 21:59 schrieb Hans van der Meer:
Replying directly to your address because the message body is too large. Pictures are pixel images of DVB subtitles from telvision broadcast, in case youre wondering.
Why don’t you create a real font for this, this will create smaller files and you can use it with other programs.
That is beside the point. The problem is not the drawing of letters, but the extraction of pixel data from a Transport Stream packets. The specification of the DVB-subtitles mentions two variants: (1) string of characters, (2) pixel colorvalues to be looked up in a 16-value CLUT. The stream I have at hand consists of pixel data in a 720x36 rectangle. Furthermore different broadcast stations use different lettertypes. Of course it would be nice if I could simply extract the letters, but for the moment this surpasses my abilities.
perhaps leptonica can help here . -- luigi