25 Dec
25 Dec
1:27 p.m.
Hi, there is a new project on supelec: Luajittex. Briefly, it's like luatex with Lua replaced by LuaJIT. See http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/project/luajittex/ for the source code. Please note that LuaJIT is based on lua 5.1, while luatex is now based on lua 5.2 --- this means that binaries modules must be kept separate. The tag 0.72.0 means that luajittex is in sinc with the tag 0.72.0 of luatex; I'm working to keep in sinc with the last tag. I've compiled the source for Linux 64bit (Ubuntu 12.10) Linux 32bit (Opensuse 12.1) and crosscompiled for Mingw32bit and they seem to work but of course any feedback is appreciate. The new engine is available with context (mkiv) with --engine=luajittex -- luigi