Hi Hans,
Someone posted on the tlbuild mailing list that LuaMetaTeX segfaults
whenever making the ConTeXt format on OpenBSD. I'm all out of ideas for
how to fix this, so hopefully you have some suggestions? The original
thread started at
-- Max
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Robert Alessi
Hi Max,
On Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 01:00:57AM -0700, Max Chernoff wrote:
folder, you can build a debug version with:
$ export CFLAGS='-ggdb3 -O0' CXXFLAGS='-ggdb3 -O0' LDFLAGS='-ggdb3' $ sed -i '/-O3/d' CMakeLists.txt $ sed -i 's/"-s"/""/' CMakeLists.txt $ sed -i '/STRIP/d' cmake/luametatex.cmake $ mkdir debug/ && cd debug/ $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLMT_PERMIT_LUA_LIBRARIES=yes ..
At this point I got this CMake warning:
CMake Warning: Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
$ cmake --build . --parallel 16
Then the build process succeeded.
The command to manually build a format is
$ luametatex --ini --lua=$(kpsewhich luat-cod.lmt) $(kpsewhich cont-en.mkxl)
Since you compiled with clang, I guess you'll probably use lldb, but with GDB and an intentionally-broken binary, this is what I get:
$ gdb --args luametatex --ini --lua=$(kpsewhich luat-cod.lmt) $(kpsewhich cont-en.mkxl)
Then I copied luametatex to my TL bin dir and I ran:
$ lldb --arch x86_64 -- luametatex --ini --lua=$(kpsewhich luat-cod.lmt) $(kpsewhich cont-en.mkxl)
Here is what I got:
(lldb) target create --arch=x86_64 "luametatex" Current executable set to '/usr/local/texlive/2025/bin/custom/luametatex' (x86_64). (lldb) settings set -- target.run-args "--ini" "--lua=/usr/local/texlive/2025/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkxl/luat-cod.lmt" "/usr/local/texlive/2025/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-en.mkxl" (lldb) r Process 28175 launched: '/usr/local/texlive/2025/bin/custom/luametatex' (x86_64) This is LuaMetaTeX, Version 2.11.07 initex (/usr/local/texlive/2025/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkxl/cont-en.mkxl(context.mkxl(syst-ini.mkxl)(norm-ctx.mkxl)(syst-pln.mkxl)(luat-cod.mkxl<+ /usr/local/texlive/2025/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkxl [...] open source > level 1, order 35, name 'core-ini.mkxl' loading > ConTeXt Core Macros / Additional Initialization close source > level 1, order 35, name 'core-ini.mkxl' open source > level 1, order 36, name 'core-env.mkxl' loading > ConTeXt Core Macros / Environments Process 28175 stopped * thread #1, stop reason = signal SIGSEGV frame #0: 0x000009667aa8c9d8 luametatex`texlib_aux_checked_register [inlined] texlib_aux_valid_register_index(L=0x000009691de9f708, slot=1, cmd=<unavailable>, base=<unavailable>, max=65535, constant_cmd=<unavailable>) at lmttexlib.c:1277:74 1274 } 1275 if (index >= 0 && index <= max) { 1276 return index; -> 1277 } else if (index < (eqtb_size + lmt_hash_state.hash_data.ptr + 1) && eq_type(index) == constant_cmd) { ^ 1278 return index; 1279 } else { 1280 return -1; (lldb) q Quitting LLDB will kill one or more processes. Do you really want to proceed: [Y/n] Y
Thanks again,
-- Robert
Thanks, -- Max