Andreas Harder
On 11.11.2011, at 13:27, Marco Pessotto wrote:
I have some problem centering the text inside the standardmakeup. The resulting alignment is centered, yes, but relative to the text block of the defined layout, and being a doublesided document, the left space is lesser then the right space (which is not what I wanted, as it's supposed to be the cover of a booklet).
For example:
%%%%%%%%% \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe
\startstandardmakeup \raggedcenter This should be the long title \stopstandardmakeup
\input tufte
\stoptext %%%%%%%%%
there is also a page makeup
\startpagemakeup[align=center] {\bfc This should be the long title} \stoppagemakeup
Regards Andreas
That did the trick! I've updated the wiki at http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Simple_Cover_Page Thanks a lot Best wishes -- Marco