Hi Evereybody, I have written a short tex file. Then I have made a dvi file by command: texexec --dvi proba.tex. A dvi and a ps files have been made. Dvi is ok, but ps not. I have deleted the ps file. In order to make a ps file I have inserted command: dvips proba.dvi. I have received an error message: This is dvips(k) 5.96 Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com) dvips: ! Couldn't find header file tex.pro. Note that an absolute path or a relative path with .. are denied in -R2 mode. and In document mp-cb-en.pdf on page 73 and in ms-cb-en.pdf on page 95 in the table hungarumlaut (\H{u}) does not appear correctly. Hungarumlaut is a doubleacute on o, O, u, and U. Hungarumlaut or doubleacute is used solely in Hungarian language. Best regards, Istvan