On 12/5/07, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
"Norwegian" (which is not a language at all)
Nobody reacted to that part, so I guess that means no one knowledgeable in Norwegian read it ... I wish to make sure that we did not by no mean intend on insulting Norway or Norwegian-speaking people ;-) We are only trying to sort things out and would like to know which form of the written language the Norwegian translation of the ConTeXt interface uses, namely bokmål ("literary language" a.k.a riksmål a.k.a "Danish Norwegian"), or nynorsk ("new Norwegian" a.k.a. landsmål).
I suspect it's bokmål but if someone could confirm that it would be very kind; just look for "\startmessages norwegian" in the ConTeXt sources. If the question does not make sense and the messages could be bokmål as well as nynorsk, that's also an interesting information. I happen to have a small manual of Norwegian but it teaches only bokmål so that does help much (nor does my comprehensive edition of Grieg's songs :-)
I have patches written by Karl Ove Hufthammer (on 4th Februar, 2007). See [dev-context] Improved support for Norwegian in ConTeXt Bun we have never met an agreement (never tried too hard) of how it should be implemented, and Karl didn't insist enough, so it has slipped out of focus. I still have a bad conscious about that. Mojca