Hello! This time I have a task like this: I have margin text blocks (like Note, Tip) that follow some paragraph in my document flow. In the produced document I get them in margin, but vertically they are just below the paragraph (as in text flow) I really need then to start exactly where the previous paragraph starts (vertically). I.e. I need to move them several (unknown number) lines higher. My realization: \setupinmargin[style=\sl\tx\setupinterlinespace,location=left,align=right] \def\Note#1{ \strut \inmargin{ \em{#1} } \strut} \starttext This is the para with unknown length that can be any number of lines high. And I have a note below it that should be located to the left of this paragraph and not just below it. That's the case. \par \Note{ And here is the note that should be in margin.} \stoptext The easiest would to put it above the target paragraph, but that's not the solution for me as the same text is rendered to HTML where no margins exist. Can I do it plainly in tex code? Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help -- Regards. Eugene Toporov