Am 23.02.2009 um 22:35 schrieb Bernd Kosubek:
Am Montag, 23. Februar 2009 21:56 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
Am 23.02.2009 um 21:52 schrieb Bernd Kosubek:
If I run "texexec" over this, the last three line are longer than the first line AND they have the same lengths.
What have I not understand -- or is it a known problem or a bug?
You get what you write.
2. Sentence: \space{} = 2 spaces because of the {}
3. Sentence: Wide than the first sentence because of the disabled frenchspacing
4. Sentence: You write \nospace but insert a space with {}
Thank You for the quick answer.
I don't understand where the second space should be come from. I use the empty group "{}" always to separate optionless commands.
I think it is the same whether I write:
xxxx. yyyy. or xxxy.{} yyyy. or xxxx. yyyy. or xxxx.{} yyyy.
If I use
xxxx.\space yyyy or xxxx.\space{} yyyy
the first \space produce NO space (that is not what I wish)
Nonsense, the first \space produce a space and the whitespace in the input between \space and yyyy is gobbled from the macro. The empty group after the second space prevents TeX from gobbling the space and you get now one space from the \space command and another one from the whitespace in the output.
I suppose, that the empty group has no effect. The following space will be printed and THIS space should be smaller in an broad-environment if I use \nospace or larger in an packed-environment if I use \space.
You need a empty group to get a space after commands like \TeX because the command gobbles otherwise all following whitespace. Try the following example: text\relax text\space text\space{}\space{}\space{}\space text Wolfgang