On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 12:08:06AM +0200, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hi Hans, I downloaded the fonts and it works perfectly. What do you think are the finest fonts for writing a book with mathematics ? Are Cambria fonts free ? If so where can they be downloaded ? Thank you Fabrice
I'm not Hans, so I won't offer my opinions about finest. But I can clarify re Cambria: Cambria is not free in the sense of 'libre'. The alternative is Caladea which has the same metrics but is not the same (e.g. higher curl from top of lowercase 'g'). I have a comparison using a short part of Lorem ipsum at http://zarniwhoop.uk/files/PDF-substitutes/cambria-substitutes.pdf If you want it, you can downlaod it from http://gsdview.appspot.com/chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/crosextrafonts-201... Since I've pointed to my site, I'll mention that I have details, including PDFs of language coverage and the glyphs in a font, at http://zarniwhoop.uk/ttf-otf-notes.html . My interest is in maximising the languages I can render when I'm off following links on wikipedia, not in outputing maths. So no examples of italics, although the 'contents' PDFs attempt to show everything included in a font in its normal style - they will show maths glyphs if you know the unicode codepoint to look for. Of course, for plain text there are many other OTF/TTF fonts. My site has over 190, but not all of them cover English. Some are easy to read, others can look small at the same nominal size. The lipsum-serif-*.pdf files in http://zarniwhoop.uk/files/PDF-lipsum/ might be useful. ĸen -- I live in a city. I know sparrows from starlings. After that everything is a duck as far as I'm concerned. -- Monstrous Regiment