Am 08.06.2021 um 16:16 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
: On Tue, 8 Jun 2021, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Am 08.06.2021 um 15:30 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 6/8/2021 3:15 PM, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
perhaps I incidently use a command that utilizes random... what could this be? mwe
http://texfaq.org/FAQ-minxampl https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/228/ive-just-been-asked-to-writ...
These are latex centric advice on creating a minimal working example but broadly applicable for context as well.
Before I posted my initial posting «randomizer line-breaking» I already spent days and weeks boiling down this phenomenon. Unfortunately the random output made it impossible for me to make a smaller, but *working* (i.e. showing the bug) example. It just appears sometimes, sometimes it doesn't – in between two runs I changed nothing: «As you can imagine, I can't provide a minimal example for this, only the entire project-folder and the entire context-standalone.» So my hope was that Hans (and Wolfgang et al.) know how things are chained together. For example: Which ConTeXt command uses randomizer? I have no idea what goes on behind my user interface. Others maybe do. Another example: The problem only appears when using start-/stopexceptions. Is there a connection between exceptions and random output on the level of low level code, maybe? Steffen