Hi, Up to now, I have been using a rather old version of context (2003, the one that comes with FC3 linux for instance). I decided to download the latest version of tetex (3.0) which also comes with pdftex 1.21a and texexec 5.2.4 After realizing the changes in pdftex and struggling for about a day to get my type1 fonts working again (I knew this would happen, it's simply part of the game.....) I saw another problem, and I'm rather clueless on this one : I have a 140 pages document with about 60 pictures in it. The whole document is in landscape and in 3 columns. I did place all the figures with the same command : \plaatsfiguur[forceer][reffiguur1]{}{\externfiguur[figuur1.jpg][breedte=6cm]} In my previous tetex/context version, all figures appeared exactly where I defined them. Since the upgrade, figures appear sometimes spread over two columns, sometimes the text in the column adjacent to the figure starts below the figure (but on the next column) instead of besides the figure..... Is there something new with the figures placing mechanism in this newer context version that I am not aware of ? Geert