How can I generate a searchable PDF with mkiv, using a non standard font like MinionPro? \definefontfeature [default] [default] [mode=node,script=latn,onum=yes] \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[minionpro] \starttext fi ff ffi ffl 1234567890 \stoptext Using pdftotext, I get this: fi ff ffi ffl However, using Adobe Reader this things won't be found. It should read: fi ff ffi ffl 1234567890 Using latex, one would use \input glyphtounicode.tex \pdfgentounicode=1, but this doesn't seem to work with context. Context used pdfr-def, but this seems to be mkii-only. TIA, olli -- Oliver Heins heins@sopos.org http://www.sopos.org/olli GPG: F27A BA8C 1CFB B905 65A8 2544 0F07 B675 9A00 D827 1024D/9A00D827 2004-09-24 -- gpg --recv-keys 0x9A00D827 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html