On 9/8/05, Hans Hagen
[...] I guess I'll give the mswincontext.zip a try. I've hesitated because I don't see any clear instructions anywhere and the directory structure in that zip file is unusual for a Windows distro. Also don't want to ditch MiKTeX entirely because I'm experimenting with LyX. Sigh...
How about just installing ConTeXt myself on top of MiKTeX? Should work, right?
just unzip the file in some safe place, running 'setuptex' (in a dos box) should give you an isolated tex environment; it's on my agenda to provide a miktex bintree as well, but only for testing since miktex has a rather good update mechanism (no reason to duplicate that -)
[my main reason for putting the minimals on the web is that they provide isolated environments, which is somethign i need for projects]; they also demonstrate what is needed for context
By "isolated tex environment" I presume you mean "an environment that only runs in that dos box". Is that right? Does that isolated environment clash with another TeX installation (i.e. MiKTeX in this case)? I'm led to believe TeX installations are very territorial: they can't tolerate other installations on the same computer! Thanks, Gavin