Le 9 janv. 06 à 11:52, Hans Hagen a écrit :
If it is impossible, is there any equivalent to de minipage or \parbox LaTeX equivalent?
i dunno what those are, vboxes?
Not sure what exactly is "vboxes" (something you can put in hbox? yes it is) but LaTeX raisebox, parbox, minipage can be put inside a text line. minipage can manage its ones footnote, but this is not the question here. As the "LaTeX++" concurrent package designer, you should read some page of the LaTeX reference documentation "A document Preparation System" It is little book (272 pages with the index !) and cover the core of the package. Page 103 to 110 are related to boxes, and is what is missing in context. I'm not sure that ConTeXt \framed command is able to reproduce the parbox behavior (position a framed box relatively to its internal top or bottom line and the outside baseline)
in most cases you can use framed (make sure that you set 'align' to something in order to enter vmode)
framedtext is a bit more clever and handles some spacing issues
With your help, and some old reference doc and the wiki (http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Vertically_Centered_Boxes) I tested the following "one line text" which works. (My version of TeXExec 5.2.4 doesn't seem to support \startframed and \stopframed so I use \framed instead). \starttext % align: no left right middle normal high low lohi justified % location: low depth hanging a word and --% \framed[width=.2\textwidth, align=flushright, location=depth]{ some stuff }% --% \framed[height=3em,width=11em, align={flushleft,lohi}, location=hanging]{ other stuff }% --% another word, same line \stoptext But more generaly, there is a frequent need about boxing stuff and it seems that the \framed command is the way to go. But it's not always easy to guess the various parameters to get an expected behavior. So what is the current reference documentation about framed - Context the manual (page 206) ? - ConTeXt an excursion (page 45) ? Such a command is usefull inside some "hardcoded" slide. And there could be a "\boxed" or "\cell" macro with default "frame=off" parameters just to serve as special tabular cell. I think there has to be two pairs of informations to position a box (i.e. a "cell" text): - how is the box is positioned relatively to its environment (the location= keyword I think), - how to position the stuff **inside** the box (align= keyword) What is the need for these 2 parameters : - inside the box : everywhere. that implies two reals numbers between 0.0 and 1.0 (perhaps wider?) with some keyword for predefined values (flushleft, middle, flushright low, high, lohi and baseline, (vjustified, justified=hjustified serve another feature) - outside the box : only verticaly ? one real number [0.0..1.0] plus low depth (=base?) hanging (=top) Here a parbox provide an option for aligning the external baseline on the "top" ou "bottom" internal line. How can I simply optain the "0.5 = vertical middle" Probably the positionning parameters for outside the box are more complicated : more than the internal reference point mention above is to which external reference point the inetrenal point should be aligned to ? Generaly the baseline of the parent is the choosen one, but perhaps one like to use the "0.5ex hight" one as in minus sign in the "3-2," string (but the TeX command \raise0.5ex could do that) -- Maurice