Michal Kvasnička wrote:
I tried to find in what configuration file it is mismatched, but I completely failed. I even don't know if it's ConTeXt problem, or a problem of my distribution. Now, I use the last ConTeXt (downloaded and installed today) :-) and teTeX tetex-3.0-13 from SuSE Linux 9.3 under SuSE 9.2.
I think I know this :-) Try this statement in your preamble: \pdfpkresolution = 600 that should give you the same results as under plain pdfetex.
Many thanks for any hint. Yours Michal Kvasnicka
P.S. If anybody knows where can I get math fonts for Concrete, please tell me.
Euler maybe? AFAIK, there is no scalable _free_ version of the concrete math fonts, but you can buy a 'Concrete Math' font package from micropress: http://www.micropress-inc.com/fonts.htm the package includes text fonts Cheers, Taco