Neither framedtext nor framed have a alternative key. You can check this very easy by looking into setup-en.pdf. Wolfgang Fabrice Couvreur schrieb am 17.08.18 um 11:24:
Hello, Aditya offered me the following code to insert comments with an ornament. I notice that the option alternative= serried does not seem to work. Thank you. Fabrice
\definecolor[MyColorA][r=0.8784, g=0.8784, b=0.8784] \definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00,m=0.27,y=1.00,k=0.00]
\defineornament [FrameTitle] [preset=lefttop] [ frame=off, foregroundstyle=\bfx, foregroundcolor=white, background=color, backgroundcolor=MyColorB, ]
\defineframedtext [FramedText] [ offset=0.6em, toffset=\lineheight, background=color, backgroundcolor=MyColorA, foregroundstyle={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}, align=verytolerant, alternative=serried, % text wrapped frame=off, corner=round, ]
\FrameTitle{Info}{\startFramedText[width=\textwidth] \dorecurse{100}{blabla} \stopFramedText}