13 Feb
13 Feb
11:53 p.m.
I've gotten m-bib to work so far. I really like how easy it is to set up the bbl file is set up so I may be retiring my BibTeX database completely! The only major glitch is that apparently m-bib cannot directly sort the bbl file alphabetically. I have a more important question for now: Is there an argument to \cite for subdivision references? In LaTeX we have, e.g, \cite[p.\~23]{key}. In m-bib we have \cite[key] but no way to include the `p.\~23'. What is the way users of m-bib get around this? Is there any way to format subdivision references in m-bib? Finally, why is m-bib not included in cont-tmf.zip? It seems important and sophisticated enough to include as part of the main distribution. Thnx Idris