Dear all, I tried to compile the first example of the simpleslide module’s documentation, but it doesn’t work: ! Undefined control sequence. system > tex > error on line 9 in file test-simple.tex: Undefined control sequence ... 1 \usemodule[simpleslides] 2 [style=BigNumber] 3 \setupTitle 4 [ title={Title of the presentation}, 5 author={Name of authors}, 6 date={Date of presentation}, 7 ] 8 \starttext 9 >> \placeTitle 10 \SlideTitle {The first slide} 11 Write whatever you want. 12 \SlideTitle {The second slide} 13 Continue writing. 14 \stoptext 15 <argument> \??vars :simpleslides:title: \dousestylehashparameter #1#2->\ifcsname #1 #2\endcsname \expandafter \douses... \dostartattributes ...estylehashparameter {#1}{#2} \dousecolorhashparameter {... \placeTitle ...pleslides:title:}\c!style \c!color \simpleslidestitlecomponen... l.9 \placeTitle ? ! Undefined control sequence. Thanks (I hope I’m not too unpolite)